11/27/2020 0 Comments Fri-Yay #17Oh lord, this week has about killed me. The weather patterns are doing me in I think. Or the holidays. My body doesn't like family holidays. Not that I'm doing anything because of Covid-19. People can do what they want but I'm trying not to get sick thank you very much. I joined a pen-pal group but I've run into a bit of a block with writing back. My office is a mess and my stamps are buried under a pile of work. So I'm trying to get myself in order. I might work over the weekend. No holiday break for me! Reading:
11/16/2020 0 Comments Manga Classics: Pride and Prejudice + some other quick reviews (The Thousandth Floor, Quiet Neighbors)My detox lasted for about eight days. So that was exciting. I tried to start some new shows, some new books, and some new hobbies. I didn't do my normal "admin" for the website so I don't have any pictures uploaded so I thought I'd go through my backlist and talk about some books that I didn't have any plans for a full review on. Pride and PrejudiceThe starting book is a "manga" or illustrated classic. I'm a big fan of multi-media approaches to literature because I feel that everyone learns differently. Also, sometimes reading the original text can be rough, but seeing a play/movie/radio adaption etc., can do wonders. It also tends to force me back to the source material to read again. I don't think Austen's works are that hard to follow but I will admit that sometimes I struggle through following the historical notes or satire that is throughout her works. I have a few of the Shakespeare illustrated/graphic novels/manga (I don't quite know the correct term for the oeuvre here) and I think they're great. I did give away some that I didn't love as much (one of Shakespeare's Tragedies, an Austen that I didn't love as much, and a duplicate copy that was sent to me) to a classroom near me.
11/2/2020 0 Comments Going Postal by Terry PratchettI think this week I'm doing a digital detox. Which will be a mystifying experience as I work online...but I'm staying off other than strictly work. I've told all my friends but I doubt it will last beyond a few days because of the election and other stuff. I'm going to give it a go though.
Go vote if you haven't already! If you're in the USA. Or can vote. You know. On to the book! I feel this isn't quite fair because I adore Terry Pratchett so I'm really only going to say positive things here. It's not my favorite Pratchett book (that's Wyrd Sisters). I think there's several ways to read Terry Pratchett's discworld books, by publication or characters or themes. Here are two websites that give multiple options: Discworld Emporium and Terry Pratchett Books. I would suggest thematically but to be honest, I'm just picking a book up by random and reading it. Some of Pratchett's books have been turned into movies. I've only seen one (and thought it was fun) but Going Postal has been turned into a movie so it's on my list! |
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