2/18/2021 0 Comments The Book Drop October 2020The Book Drop has multiple options for book genres, and I have the "Books for Bubbly" which is the romance and friendship books. It's been a nice choice during a pandemic since they're usually happy and have lovely resolutions.
You can now upgrade the subscription and get additional products. I haven't done that as of yet because I've got too much stuff. If you like book store gifts (I mean, I do) this seems like a good thing to have.
2/16/2021 0 Comments Lavish Bath Box: August 2020Lavish Bath Box is one of my longer subscriptions and one that I truly enjoy (I love bubble baths and reading in the bath). They've decided to change things up (I think in 2021 is when it starts) and instead of monthly, we'll be getting quarterly boxes. This is fine with me as I was having some overload on products. I still have a few months left to review...I was hoping to catch up on the products so I could talk about them but eh.
August 2020's theme was "Create and Celebrate." It was a school themed box. 2/9/2021 0 Comments October 2020 Macy's Beauty BoxAh, a bit late on my end. I'm having a day. Spotify won't load, so I think I'm going to have to move my podcasts to another app. Oh well. I could probably spend some time and figure it out but I really don't want to bother today.
I signed up for some more subscription boxes, but one wouldn't let me pay. Which is strange. It was the same card I've used on every purchase with them before but apparently now it was an issue. I went to their social media (after sending an email) and there are a lot of comments from people having similar issues (or not receiving products) so Covid is really messing with them. They eventually wrote back and told me that they didn't take my card (ummm..ok?). So, I don't know. Macy's took a small break in the summer with their beauty box. I've had a few issues with orders from them...usually in my favor. I ordered pillows recently (standard size, cheapest option) only to receive King size, most expensive option. Look, this is NOT a complaint and Macy's told me to keep them. They're nice pillows and now I'm in love. I played myself. I'm behind on subscription boxes, so I might do a few a week to catch up. Or intersperse while I clean my office and catch up on work. It's a mess right now. I was one of the lucky group who received October (or the Jo Malone takeover) box. I also received an email telling me that my box this go round would arrive delayed (verses canceled outright). I understand there are some issues at the warehouse/packaging. I'd rather have a slower roll out and safer workers (what I hope is happening). So I'm fine with it all (well, I've been in the good group, so that was rude of me to say). Alright, I'm going to intersperse these with other books, but I'll probably do two at a time. More or less. The first book is a novella and the second book is actually the first official book.
January 2025
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