2/26/2020 0 Comments PopSugar Winter Box 2019Popsugar finally gave some spoilers for their spring box 2020, acting like it wasn't a full month later than the year before. I understand that people and brands play coy for likes and attention on insta...but when someone asks a question ("when is the box that I've paid for showing spoilers?") answering with a kissey face emoji makes me stabby. Answer. the. damn. question. It's not cute. How hard is it to say that spoilers will be coming in "X weeks/days" and boxes are shipping in March this quarter? It's not hard. It left me with bad feelings and I'm sure other people had similar feelings too.
They finally did and now we have two spoilers. And tassels. Look, someone at Popsugar likes tassels quite a bit. And that person should be removed from all decision making processes. Forever. So yeah, the spring spoilers are blue light blocking glasses and a necklace. The glasses have four choices (I picked The Art of Snore in Cellophane AKA the clear ones) and the necklace two (I picked blue). The box costs $75 (one time) or $270 (annual), shipping included. I know some people were disappointed with the spoilers but I was ~okay~ with them if not underwhelmed. While the necklace is not my jam and kinda out of style, it's not the worst. I might actually keep it (!!!). The glasses might come in handy. I've bought some cheaper ones and I'm not sure they work but I'm willing to give them another go. I will say that for someone who wears glasses, they're useless. I only use them when I have contacts in, but that's a side issue there. I might have to eat my words but this box (being late + not overly thrilling items) being so meh made me go look around the internet. Someone on a forum mentioned that Group Nine Media acquired Popsugar. I don't know if that means anything re: the boxes but it could be that with all the shuffle, things got lost in the mire. Or maybe new people are in charge (but not that stupid tassel person...they're still at the helm. Destroying my life with their tassels) and have a different vision. The point is...let's talk about the Winter Box from 2019.
Goodness, I didn't mean to fall off the face of the planet. I have read a bunch of books since the beginning of the year (about 75 actually). Most have been re-reads or DNFs (which I totally count because I skim through to the end). I'm not sure what I'll post about because I don't want to write 75 different reviews. Ice Storm was one of my re-reads (I think I've read it more than five times at this point).
The RWA (Romance Writers Association) fall-out is still going on. It's interesting in the sense of watching a company deal/not deal on social media or with crisis management. To be fair...I might be the only person who loves watching company's deal with social media fall-out. In the middle of all that, Flatiron Books (a publisher) began their hype tour of one of their newly published books, called American Dirt. I read the blurb and it's not my normal type of book so I didn't pay any attention (I saw one blurb about it being a new "Great American Novel" which I thought was over-reaching simply because you can't know what books will stay in the populace conscious. It's a fairly overstated marketing term for new books anyways). Then this one person who I'm super BEC about joined the conversation about the issues around the book, the release and publishing. So I tuned out....because I just can't with that person but uh...it's a good conversation to have. Back to the book... 2/18/2020 0 Comments January 2020 Lavish Bath BoxI went back through my folders and noted that I've been subscribed to Lavish since November 2017! This is one of my favorite boxes simply because I love bubble baths and I think that many of the brands included really bring the creative and fun bath products to the front.
Also, I seem to have lost some of my pictures of the Lavish un-boxings. I can find October 2019....and that's the last but I know I took photos of the rest of the months (October on) but alas. Also, my office is still a disaster but it's less of one. I've been going through all my stuff since I actually prefer an uncluttered look but since moving back to the U.S. I've been given a lot of stuff from other people to sort through and I haven't been able to keep up. This (slow but) steady decluttering has also inspired me to tackle my digital hoarding. I apparently am a big fan of saving the most random of internet articles to read about in my spare time. Luckily, @RawBeautyKristi (one of the few beauty YouTube channels I still watch) mentioned the "Yacht Rock" Spotify playlist and it's been my background jam for the past few days while I un-clutter my life. |
January 2025
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