2019 Reading ChallengeMy 2019 Reading Challenge was all about the base numbers. There's lots of different types of challenges people can participate in but the past couple of years I've been trying to chip away at my "to be read" pile and I haven't even attempted any other challenge. Granted, I could probably source a full challenge from my hoard but eh. I'm a mood reader like no other. My goal was 200 books. I had hoped to finish early and read some of my thicker/slower academic type books (I have one on super-string theory that I know is going to hurt my brain in the best way). I had more reading slumps this year than I had before plus an expanding and volatile work schedule so while I did make (and surpass my goal) it wasn't like the years before when I had easily hit 250+ books. Also, Goodreads is backlogged with the yearly reading page so my home page shows my current number, my "year in books" page shows the previous weeks number. It's kinda odd. I saw in the troubleshooting section that someone else had the same issue so I assume the backlog is heavy. As of December 30th (2019), I have read 223 books! 23 books beyond my challenge, which is great. I did get some heavy hitters in there (including some Shakespeare and a few more modern classics like Frankenstein) but I did read a few very short books as well. Some books took me months as I only read sections at a time (the three Shakespeare plays I read) and some I sat down and read in one sitting. 2020 Reading Goal
2020 Reading ChallengesI think that's it as far as my reading challenge (read more, read varied) but there are other reading challenges that are already posted, which I probably won't be involved in. Some listed reading challenges:
RWA, Secret Ethics boards and This hot flaming christmas turd |
June 2024